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Resources for a Safer Home Environment

Resources for Better Nutrition (01)

Nutrition at Bastyr University
If you are considering a career in nutrition, it would do you good to look through the different nutrition degree programs Bastyr University offers. What differentiates Bastyr University nutrition programs from those of other schools is their focus on whole foods and natural medicine that is fully based on science. Degree programs include BS Nutrition, BS in Nutrition and Culinary Arts, and BS in Nutrition and Exercise Science. Bastyr also offers master and post-baccalaureate programs, as shown in the website where will find all kinds of information you need – from application requirements to the curriculum for each program, down to career opportunities that await graduates.

Preventing Kidney Stones Through a Healthy Diet
If you or someone you know has kidney stones, there are dietary changes you can make to help the stone pass. The Kidney Stones Health Center on WebMD has information that says the main change is simple, which is to increase the consumption of water. But now you need a diet that will promote this. It says there is speculation that the DASH diet used to prevent hypertension, high blood pressure, diabetes and heart disease may also be helpful in preventing kidney stones. It references a large-scale study that was conducted and found that participants with the highest DASH scores were 40 percent less likely to developer a kidney stone. Thus, in addition to high water intake, a healthy DASH style diet—fruit, vegetables, nuts and legumes, low-fat dairy, whole grains and lower intakes of salt—will help prevent kidney stones.

Getting Supermarket Savvy
This site features so much useful information for making your trips to the grocery store more healthful. The site has free tips and ideas about eating healthy, as well as food reviews, time-saving recipes and a newsletter. Food experts offer information about healthy eating, and the site also has a virtual supermarket where you can shop for healthy food. The newsletter has food reviews, aisle-by-aisle tip sheets, free food samples and other educational resources. Bring better nutrition to the table before you start cooking!

Why Holistic Nutrition Is the Best Approach
In this article, Yale-Griffin Prevention Research Center founding director and Turn the Tide Foundation president and founder Dr. David Katz MD discusses the importance of good nutrition as a part of treating patients. He explains the widespread and deceptive kind of nutrition guidance commonly given to patients. He calls this the ONAAT fallacy, or one nutrient at a time. Instead of being given dietary advice as a whole, diabetics are advised to avoid sugary and starchy foods, and people with hypertension are told to avoid excess sodium, and so on. The danger in this is that avoidance of one nutrient does not guarantee health, so a holistic approach to food is best.

Health & Nutrition on Vegetarian Society Website
This site offers nutritional information sheets about calcium, carbohydrates, fiber, fat sand oils, minerals, protein, vitamins, fat and cholesterol, iron, cereals, cheese, nuts and seeds, soy nutrition, protein, omega 3 fats, vitamin B12, zinc and vegan nutrition. It also includes research on vegetarian vitality, infant nutrition, healthy eating for kids, antibiotic resistances, and other health and diet information. Also features information on allergies, gluten-free diets, diabetes, cancer, breast cancer, colon cancer, osteoporosis, rheumatoid arthritis and kidney stones. Plenty of nutritional information here so you can make healthier eating choices.


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